Navigation Introduction

Hello, welcome to my personal blog. Here, I will share my learning, life and interests, and hope to communicate and interact with you. My blog is mainly divided into three parts, namely weekly experiments, research and learning, and chat and photography. Let me briefly introduce the content of each part.

If you want to get to know me, please go to About ME.

 Weekly experiments: This part is where I record the experiments I do every week, including the purpose, principle, process, results and my personal feelings of the experiment. Of course, although it is called weekly experiments, the frequency may not be weekly, because sometimes I will write several experiments together, or sometimes I just forget to write here, haha. But I will try to keep updating, after all, experiments are one of my favorite things.

 Research and learning: This part is where I write various content related to my usual learning experiments and research, such as some natural science knowledge, some research methods, some research progress and so on. This part may be more professional and serious, but there will also be a lot of interesting and useful things. But I can’t guarantee that my level can write very well, after all, I am still learning, haha. If you have any opinions or suggestions on my content, please feel free to leave me a message.

 Chat and photography: This part is very casual, where I write some interesting things in my daily life, or show my very amateur photography. Here you can see another side of me, a face of an ordinary person who is not so serious and not so professional. I like watching anime, reading manga, playing games, taking pictures and so on. If you also have the same hobbies, we can chat together.

 In short, this is a general introduction to my blog. If you are interested in my blog, please feel free to browse my various parts and leave your comments and suggestions. Thank you for reading!


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